Tuesday Tool: Penguin Sparkling Water Maker

Meet “Henry,” named after the girls’ favorite cartoon penguin on Oswald—

At my house, we’re really into sparkling water. My husband, in particular, drinks it all day, and the kids love the way it tickles their noses.  We always have “sparkling” chilling in the fridge to drink and offer guests, but lately the sea of pretty green glass flowing from the house has become a bit much.

So, a few months back, I gifted our household and beautiful earth with a SodaStream Penguin Sparkling Water Maker.  This adorable little gadget lets you create your own sparkling water out of filtered tap water and comes with reusable glass bottles.  With a little forethought, I can prepare fizzed water chilled and ready to go and generate less waste.  And importantly noted,  it passed the real test—the taste test, which means we use it all the time.

Fill the bottle with water up to the line…

…place it in the Penguin, give it a few pumps on his “beak” and voila!

Though it’s a tad pricey at $200 from SodaStream’s website, it makes a great holiday gift for any of the earthly-conscientious-sparkling-water-drinkers in your life. Also, if you’re buying bottled sparkling water in bulk  you’ll end up saving more than just glass bottles in the long run (and have more room in your recycling bin, too). Check out SodaStream’s site for a full list of in-person retailers and products.

For a fun sparkling drink for the girls, I mix water with fresh squeezed  fruit and give Henry a whirl. It’s much more flavorful and healthy than the pre-made stuff. Plus, they love helping me “make” water.

Now, if it could only whirl up a nice bottle of Champagne…