We Be Jammin’

jam on toast

jam on toast

I’m all for multi-tasking. One of my favorite ways to spend time with a friend is to spend it in the kitchen. It’s fun to try tackling a new technique together, there’s plenty of chatting time and (hopefully) you end up with something delicious, too.

Yesterday, I spent a lovely afternoon canning and making marmalade with the talented Kim Schiffer. Our inspiration came from Rachel Saunder’sThe Blue Chair Jam Cookbook. This cookbook is a hot title at the moment and it’s easy to see why. It is the most amazing and comprehensive resource on jamming I’ve seen to date.

lemon marmalade process

line up of lemon marmalade

Lemon & Tangerine with Lavender Marmalade

Saunder goes into meticulous detail about every step throughout the entire canning process. This wealth of information is a confidence booster and comforting. Am I alone in thinking I’m going to kill someone with a botched jar of jam?

One trick that totally changed my method and mindset about canning is her technique of sterilizing and sealing jars in the oven!  Trust me, it’s so much easier and less messy.

simmerring marmalade

orange cardamom marmalade

Orange & Kumquat Marmalade with Cardamom